Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Aloo Chaat Quick n Easy

Hi,guys on holi I had a pot luck party at my home thought of making french fries but due to the small sized potatoes i ended up making Aloo Chaat. In this one u dont need any chutneys.


Potatoes 4-5
Oil for frying
Jal jeera Powder or Chaat Masala
Black Pepper powder
Lemon Juice

Cut potatoes as per the size u desire.
I cut them in a food processor using juvelline cutter blade.
While doing so put oil in wok for heating.
When the oil is really hot not fuming but hot (hotter than puris)
Add in the potato fingers. (Do try to seperate them out before else they dont fry from all ends.)
As they get fried add in jaljeera powder and black pepper do taste the combination.
As soon the fries are all brown remove them and add them into the masala bowl and toss.
put a dash of lemon juice.
Use coriander for garnishing and serve hot.

Tip: To increase quantity add in peas while frying.